Dude Ranch Vacations with: Tennis
Sorrel River Ranch Resort & Spa Moab, Utah
Sorrel is an adventure-driven riverside resort set among 240 majestic acres of Moab, Utah’s iconic arches, canyons and red-rock mesas. Fill every moment with adventure, discovery, or nothing at all. Our Moab, hotel rooms and suites offer the comforts you've …
Highway 128, Mile 17
Moab, Utah 84532
Tanque Verde Ranch Tucson, Arizona
Tanque Verde Ranch is one of America’s old-time cattle and guest ranches. Located on 60,000 acres of Tucson’s most breathtaking desert landscapes, nestled amongst the Rincon Mountains and adjacent to Saguaro National Park and Coronado National Forest. Established in 1868, …
14301 East Speedway
Tucson, Arizona 85748
White Stallion Ranch Tucson, Arizona
At White Stallion Ranch, the personal touch and hospitality of a traditional dude ranch is carefully blended with the service and amenities of a fine resort. The True family welcomes you to the ranch that has been their home for …
9251 W. Twin Peaks Road
Tucson, Arizona 85743
Elkhorn Ranch ~ Arizona Tucson, Arizona
The Miller Family and our dedicated crew invite you to vacation with us at our home, Elkhorn Ranch. We are located 50 miles southwest of Tucson, Arizona in the Baboquivari Mountains, in the heart of the Sonoran Desert. We are …
27000 W Elkhorn Ranch Road
Tucson, Arizona 85736
Rocking Horse Ranch Resort Highland, New York
One of the largest and best-equipped Dude Ranches East of the West. The Ranch is an all-inclusive year-round resort featuring an indoor waterpark, plus everything from skiing, snow-tubing, and sleigh rides in Winter, to banana boat rides, waterslides, mountain tubing, …
600 Rte 44-55
Highland, New York 12528
Rancho de los Caballeros Wickenburg, Arizona
For over 75 years, our luxury ranch resort has embodied the true spirit of cowboy culture and has brought unmatched satisfaction to our guests’ stays. Our countless ranch activities and sanctuary of 18,000 acres combined with our premier golf facilities …
1551 South Vulture Mine Road
Wickenburg, Arizona 85390
C Lazy U Ranch Granby, Colorado
No matter if you’re a family of city slickers or seasoned horseback riders, a Colorado vacation at one of the country’s most celebrated, historic dude ranches is an experience that brings the whole family together. C Lazy U, an all-inclusive, …
P. O. Box 379
Granby, Colorado 80446
Mayan Dude Ranch Bandera, Texas
You can be a part of the Western Tradition that has produced seven world champion rodeo cowboys. There is a "Rootin' tootin' Cowboy" in all of us. We will help you fulfill those dreams. Picturesque trails wander over 348 acres, …
P.O. Box 577
Bandera, Texas 78003
Rankin Ranch Caliente, California
Rankin Ranch knows about quality time: the 31,000-acre ranch has been family-owned and operated since 1863. They opened their picturesque property to the public in 1965 and have been warmly welcoming guests ever since. Today, the fourth, fifth, and sixth …
PO Box 36
Caliente, California 93518
Alisal Guest Ranch & Resort Solvang, California
Located in the heart of Santa Barbara Wine Country, Alisal Ranch offers guests a modern taste of the old west. Under the open sky, our 10,500 acres provide endless inspiration for family-driven adventures, romantic getaways, special events, and more. We …
1054 Alisal Road
Solvang, California 93463
Three Bars Guest & Cattle Ranch Cranbrook, British Columbia
Three Bars Guest and Cattle Ranch was designed and built in 1989 as a modern vacation ranch. Jeff and April Beckley had a clear vision for the perfect layout, having both previously built and run guest ranches. Three Bars Guest …
9500 Wycliffe Perry Ck Rd
Cranbrook, British Columbia V1C 7C7